Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Script to fix SCCM Multicast Issue (KB2419357)

I've been working with getting multicast distribution points working with SCCM 2007 R2 recently and one of the challenges is that there is a bug where some WDS settings are not correctly updated on the target server. Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB2419357 documents the issue.

I wrote the following script to update the required settings instead of having to do this manually. The script also makes a change to the ‘ApBlockSize’ setting for WDS, in our environment, where the server is on a 1GB switch port and the clients are on a remote segment on a 100MB switch port, this setting significantly reduced packet fragmentation and increased the speed of the multicast download. I have it in a package and advertise the script to servers hosting multicast enabled distribution points.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Purpose: Applies some registry settings, mostly related to the 
# problem identified in KB2419357. It also makes a change to WDS 
# network settings to improvea packet fragmentation issue identified
# during testing of multicast with SCCM
# Usage : powershell.exe -file .\wdsconfig.ps1
# Version 1.0
# Maintenance History
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Version - Date - Change - Author
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1.0 21/11/12 Script Created JustAnotherTechnicalBlog
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# Set variables
$WDSRegRoot = "HKLM:System\CurrentControlSet\Services\WDSServer"
$WDSService = "Windows Deployment Services Server"

# Write the required SCCM options to the WDS configuration settings
# to the registry
If (Test-Path $WDSRegRoot\Parameters)
 Set-ItemProperty -Path $WDSRegRoot\Parameters -Name McStartAddr `
                                               -Value ""
 Set-ItemProperty -Path $WDSRegRoot\Parameters -Name McEndAddr `
                                               -Value ""
 Set-ItemProperty -Path $WDSRegRoot\Parameters -Name UdpStartPort `
                                               -Value "63000"
 Set-ItemProperty -Path $WDSRegRoot\Parameters -Name UdpEndPort `
                                               -Value "64000"

# Tune the network settings for the WDS server to reduce likelihood
# of packet fragmentation
If (Test-Path $WDSRegRoot\Providers\WDSMC\Protocol)
 Set-ItemProperty -Path $WDSRegRoot\Providers\WDSMC\Protocol `
                                               -Name ApBlockSize `
                                               -Value 1385

# Restart the Windows Deployment Services Server service
if (Get-Service $WDSService -ea SilentlyContinue)
 Restart-Service -displayname $WDSService

1 comment:

  1. Hi - I think the template was just an option that Google provides with the site. The trick was adding code like the Windows PowerShell above so it displayed well. To do that I use SyntaxHighlighter ( Its free and does a great job.
