Sunday, 28 July 2013

Joining a Domain with Windows PowerShell

Another quick Windows PowerShell post.  Once again I'm sitting in front of a newly built Windows Server 2012 machine running only Server Core.  This time I want to join the machine to my Active Directory domain.

All very easy with Windows PowerShell ...

New-Computer -Domain home.lab -Credential HOME\Administrator -Restart

Provide the password when prompted and wait for the machine to restart.

Easy easy easy .....

IP Address Configuration with Windows PowerShell

Once again I'm sitting in front of a newly built Windows Server 2012 machine running only Server Core in my lab at home.  This time I want to configure some IP address settings on the new machine.

The following Windows PowerShell commands get the job done:

Step #1

I need to get details about my network adapters so I run the following command.


Get-NetAdapter Results

Step #2

Now I can configure the adaptor I want.  I this case there is only one, so it is easy to select the correct one.  My address details are as follows:


To configure this configuration I run the following command:

New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress `
   -Default Gateway `
   -AddressFamily IPv4 `
   -PrefixLength 24 `
   -InterfaceIndex 19

New-NetIPAddress Results

Step #3

Finally I want to configure some DNS settings. This is the command I run:

Set-DnsClientServerAddress `
       -ServerAddress `
       -InterfaceIndex 19

That's it!!! Easy.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Rename a Computer Using Windows PowerShell

Short and sweet.  I'm sitting in front of a newly built Windows Server 2012 machine running only Server Core and I want to rename the machine.  It is a new machine not yet in a domain and I'm logged in with the default Administrator account.

It is easy with Windows PowerShell ...

Rename-Computer -NewName LABSVR2 -Restart

How easy is that?

Saturday, 13 July 2013

SQL 2012 on Windows Server 2012 Core - Firewall Configuration

Here is a quick one, only because I messed around missing the obvious after installing SQL 2012 when not being able to connect to the database after installation.  Once I went back to basics and realised the issue was the firewall, I used the following command to configure the Windows Firewall on my Windows Server 2012 Core machine so I could connect to SQL:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SQL Server 1433" 
  dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=1433

NOTE: The command is wrapped, it should be a single line